RC 220b: World Religious Traditions II

Note to Students

The short interviews here are not in a sequence for each week. They are designed to be viewed by you tied to a given week's subject matter and/or your instructor's direction. They should be viewed repeatedly as they contain information, insights, holdings, and opinions that apply throughout the course. Use the subject and content snapshot below as your guide to when and how often you should view the interviews to better understand the course lecture notes, your instructor's holdings, positions, arguments, and your own holdings, positions, arguments, along with those of your classmates. These video clips should lead you to research in Regis' electronic library and the Internet.

Title of Video Clip:

  1. Orthodoxy holdings, Original Sin, Trinity,
  2. Eastern Orthodox Church holding on Trinity
  3. Salvation through works of faith
  4. Faith, Reason, the "Eastern" view
  5. Eastern" view of Reality and Church
  6. Christian divisions

Father Joseph Hirsch


Religion: Eastern Orthodox

Title of Video Clip:

  1. Snapshot of Christianity
  2. Scripture as Inspired Word of God
  3. God's Word made Human, Reformed v. Reformation

Eric Ishimaru


Religion: Christian

Title of Video Clip:

  1. Jewish sense of community
  2. Connection between Bible, Books of Moses, Torah

Frederick Greenspahn


Religion: Judaism

Title of Video Clip:

  1. Snapshot of Jewish divisions
  2. Jewish sense of salvation
  3. Distinctions between Israel, Israelites; people, religion, land
  4. The Jewish Messiah/Messianic views

Seth Ward


Religion: Judaism

Title of Video Clip:

  1. Snapshot of Islam

Mohammad Jodeh


Religion: Islam

Title of Video Clip:

  1. On the Qur'an
  2. The importance of truth value in all Scripture

Ammar Amonette


Religion: Islam