Regis Teaching Excellence Network

Purpose of the Network - An Initiative Dedicated to Achieving Inclusive Excellence in Teaching and Learning at Regis University.

What is the Regis Teaching Excellence Network (RTEN)?

RTEN is a network to connect members of the Regis teaching and learning community with one another. Connections in the network are between individuals, small groups (peer clusters), programs, schools, and colleges. Through these connections practices and ideas are exchanged and innovations come to life.

What are the Guiding Principles of RTEN?

What a Peer Cluster?

Peer Clusters are small groups with a shared interest. They collaborate within the cluster and then share what they have created and learned throughout the network. These groups can be interdisciplinary or within a specific unit. They collaborate to achieve the goal of the Peer Cluster (e.g., course revisions, new course creation, teaching practice implementation, professional learning) with the focus always on inclusive excellence in teaching, course design, and learning.