Regis Characteristics of High-Quality Online Courses -Revised May 2022


Revising an existing course? Creating a new course? These characteristics of high-quality courses here at Regis, can guide you as you determine what to revise or how to design your new course. These are recommendations that can be implemented accross a wide variety of teaching approaches. A course with all these characteristics is aspirational, not required.

If you would like to speak with an instructional designer in Instructional Design and Technology regarding your course, please email You can find support resources at

Terms and Definitions

1. Learning Objectives

Well-written measurable learning objectives.

Consider This..

  1. 1.1 Consistent terminology (Outcomes vs Objectives)
  2. 1.2 Measurable with attention to Bloom’s Taxonomy of Levels of Learning
  3. 1.3 Student-centered language
  4. 1.4 Consistent placement within a course shell
  5. 1.5 Alignment of objectives, assessments and learning activities
  6. 1.6 Aligned to state/national/professional standards(if applicable) and program outcomes
  7. 1.7 Course objectives have corresponding module/weekly learning objectives

2. Syllabus, Course Overview and Introduction

Students are provided with clear information about the course, the instructor, and expectations.

Consider This..

  1. 2.1 Updated syllabus is included which includes the course description along with other required components.
  2. 2.2 Placeholder for an instructor welcome (e.g., video or text in an announcement or content section) is provided
  3. 2.3 Placeholder for the instructor contact information is provided
  4. 2.4 Course objectives' are provided
  5. 2.5 Reference to course objectives alignment to program outcomes
  6. 2.6 Where to start in the course is clearly indicated
  7. 2.7 An instructor self-introduction is provided
  8. 2.8 Netiquette is addressed
  9. 2.9 A statement that an instructor can change the course, as necessary

3. Navigation/Structure

Students are provided with clear information about how to navigate the course structure.

Consider This..

  • Use the same structure as the other courses in your program (if applicable).
  • Post an announcement that tells students where to start.
  • Schedule Zoom sessions from within WorldClass so the inks are in the course calendar.
  1. 3.1 The course components (structure) are organized in a logical order.
  2. 3.2 It is made clear where students go first within the course
  3. 3.3 A course overview section/module is present in the content area (see #2)
  4. 3.4 The module structure of WorldClass is used to organize content by topic or week
  5. 3.5 Navigation of the course elements (e.g., modules, tabs, etc) is made explicit

4. Instructional Material

Contemporary materials foster student engagement and learning.

Consider This..

  1. 4.1 Content is provided using html pages and other accessible formats (e.g., PowerPoints with alternative image text and PDFs saved with accessibility features enabled)
  2. 4.2 Learning materials include a variety of medium such as text, imagery, audio, video, and interactives
  3. 4.3 Copyright laws are observed for each use of copyrighted work that is not already licensed and/or owned by the university is evaluated using fair use criteria. Using Course Management Systems: Guidelines and Best Practices for Copyright Compliance.
  4. 4.4 These are located in modules in the WC Content tab
  5. 4.5 All materials support the course objectives
  6. 4.6 Includes current theory and practice
  7. 4.7 Course offers a variety of engaging resources that support learning and engagement
  8. 4.8 Images are used to enhance/support content and convey information related to the content
  9. 4.9 Interactive learning objects are included to enhance the learning experience.

5. Learner Interaction and Engagement

Course activities foster student interaction and active learning with clearly describe expectations for interaction.

Consider This..

  1. 5.1 Students have multiple opportunities to actively engage with the content, each other, and the instructor (see RUAC strategies)
  2. 5.2 Multiple opportunities for student-student interaction which encourage community building and collaboration
  3. 5.3 There are multiple opportunities for student-student interaction to encourage collaboration
  4. 5.4 Students are consumers and contributors of content
  5. 5.5 The instructor uses a variety of individual and group communication strategies and tools
  6. 5.6 A student and faculty introduction activity is included in the first week of the course

6. Assignments/Evaluation

Assignments vary in nature and are clearly defined with instructions that are easy to understand.

Consider This..

  1. 6.1 Clear instructions are provided for all assignments
  2. 6.2 Tools used for evaluation (e.g., rubrics, checklist, etc) are provided to students prior to the assignment due date and are clearly worded
  3. 6.3 If used, rubrics are well designed, provided to the student before the assessment is due and are well explained.
  4. 6.4 All assignments are submitted via WorldClass
  5. 6.5 Assignments and tests assess the course objectives
  6. 6.6 Support real-life applications of the discipline

7. Feedback

Opportunities for faculty and peer feedback are provided.

  1. 7.1 A placeholder is provided for communicating to students how and when the instructor will provide feedback.
  2. 7.2 The gradebook is set-up within WorldClass so that individual feedback can be provided for each assignment and discussion forum grade
  3. 7.3 An opportunity for peer feedback is provided (e.g., teamwork, group work, rubric-based formative feedback, peer editing, peer review, etc)

8. Student Feedback

Students are provided the opportunity to provide feedback on the course design and teaching during the course.

Consider This..

  • How to create a mid-course student survey
    1. 8.1 Students are invited to provide feedback to the instructor during the course (e.g., using survey tool in D2L & discussion thread) regarding strategies and content.

    9. Regis Specific

    The Jesuit Values, Regis Mission, and Ignatian Pedagogy, are evident within the course.

    Consider This..

    1. 9.1 Opportunities for reflection and self-assessment are provided
    2. 9.2 Should be evident in content / background and rationale
    3. 9.3 Opportunities in course to demonstrate specific Jesuit Values are provided
    4. 9.4 Definitions and/or related examples of Jesuit Values should be provided in content
    5. 9.5 Local and global connections are emphasized
    6. 9.6 Opportunities for critical thinking surrounding Jesuit Values are provided

    10. Use of Technology

    The technology tools foster student engagement.

    Consider This..

    • When using technology start small and collect feedback about the student experience to confirm it is helping.
    • Whenever possible try to practice and immerse yourself in the same technology experience that you are asking of your students.
    • Article from Science Daily - Technology in Higher Education: Learning with it Instead of from it
    • If you need help choosing the right tool for your idea/assignment, reach out to ID&T for consultation.

    1. 10.1 If a tool is required during the course, a link to how-to resources is provided
    2. 10.2 Tools are accessibility compliant (Note: If approved by Regis they are.)
    3. 10.3 Technology use supports the learning objectives
    4. 10.4 Technology promotes learner engagement, active learning, and motivation

    11. Accessibility and Usability

    All course materials meet accessibility requirements.

    Consider This..

    1. 11.1 All content is screen reader friendly and ADA compliant (e.g., ordered headings are used in content and alternative text is provided for images in WorldClass)
    2. 11.2 All Regis produced videos are closed captioned
    3. 11.3 External videos should be closed captioned if at all possible
    4. 11.4 Transcripts are posted for audio files (e.g., narrated ppt and podcasts) and videos
    5. 11.5 Links connect to accessible content
    6. 11.6 Synchronous class sessions held in Zoom - not assessments which require a student’s video and audio to be on or virtual office hours - are recorded and available within WorldClass. (As appropriate)

    12. Learner Support

    Information and resources for students regarding the types of support available and how to access it. Student Resource Module is included.

    Consider This..

    • Encourage students to use the University Student Resource page to access student resources available across the University.
    • Add additional resources as it relates to the course if appropriate.
    1. 12.1 Student Resource Module is included
    2. 12.2 University Student Resource page is included
    3. 12.3 College/program specific resource page is included
    4. 12.4 There is a placeholder for instructions to fill in on which tools will be used for communication and for response time expectations
    5. 12.5 The appropriate Dayton Memorial Library Research guide(s) is/are included

    13. Technical Functionality

    All technical elements function as expected.

    • Sometimes external links get broken randomly and unexpectedly. Go through your course and check your links before students can access the course section.
    • Contact IDT if you are unsure of what this is or what the latest version looks like.

    1. 13.1 All links are functional
    2. 13.2 The banner image and heading structure is up-to-date and is consistently applied in the course.



    The Regis Characteristics of High-Quality Online Courses Working Group collaborated in researching, writing, vetting and editing of these Characteristics. It is with great appreciation of their time and talent that we thank the following for their service: Alex Benedict, Heidi Blair, Denise Copeland, Denise Duncan, Crystal Evans, Kari Goerke, Carl Kinney, Don Lindley, Paul Mascarenas, Andrea Niemier, Jenny Nordman, Ling Thompson and Joie Williams.