Revising an existing course? Creating a new course? These characteristics of high-quality courses here at Regis can guide you as you determine what to revise or how to design your new course. These are recommendations that can be implemented across a variety of teaching approaches. A course with all these characteristics is aspirational, not required.
#1 Learning Objectives
Well-written measurable learning objectives address various levels of learning of Bloom's Taxonomy.
#2 Syllabus, Course Overview and Introduction
Students are provided with clear information about the course, the instructor, and learner expectations.
#3 Navigation and Structure
Students are provided with clear information about how to navigate the course structure. The course components (structure) are organized in a logical order.
#4 Instructional Materials
Contemporary materials are included to foster student engagement and learning.
#5 Learner Interaction & Engagement
Course activities foster student interaction and active learning with clearly described expectations for interaction.
#6 Assignments/Evaluation
Assignments vary in nature and are clearly defined with instructions that are easy to understand.
#7 Feedback
Opportunities for instructor and peer feedback are provided.
#8 Student Feedback
Students are provided the opportunity to provide feedback on the course design and teaching during the course.
#9 Regis Specific
The Jesuit Values, Regis Mission, and Ignatian Pedagogy, are evident within the course.
#10 Use of Technology
The technology tools foster student engagement.
#11 All course materials meet accessibility requirements.
Course activities foster student interaction and active learning with clearly described expectations for interaction.
#12 Learner Support
Information and resources for students regarding the types of support available and how to access it.
#13 Technical Functionality
All technical elements function as expected.